For Immediate Release: Wednesday April 11, 2018

Contact: Cristian Salazar, 646-786-0898,

Center for NYC Neighborhoods announces the Community Energy Engagement Program

NYSERDA-funded program will guide low- and middle-income homeowners through assessment of energy use and identification of options for cutting costs.

New York, N.Y. – The Center for NYC Neighborhoods announced the Community Energy Engagement Program on Wednesday with the goal of educating low- and moderate-income residents about the benefits of reducing energy consumption and adopting efficient and renewable energy and retrofits to lower costs. Through the program funded by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), dedicated ambassadors known as Community Energy Advisors will help homeowners and residents address the financial and technical barriers that prevent them from taking steps toward greener technology. The Center will partner with Pratt Center for Community Development and Chhaya CDC to amplify outreach and services for eligible homeowners.

“The Community Energy Engagement Program is another tool in our expanding portfolio of services for preserving affordable homeownership,” said Christie Peale, Executive Director of the Center.  “We have a unique opportunity with this program to reduce energy bills for working and middle-class New Yorkers while advancing a clean energy future for all.”

The Community Energy Engagement Program will offer end-to-end services for New York residents. Community Energy Advisors will connect property owners to housing counseling to guide them through the process of implementing energy efficiency retrofits, help identify financial support where available and appropriate (such as CDFI loan products), and assess which programs are best suited to their needs. Advisors will also be available to help small business owners and apartment property owners.

Building on its flood resiliency work in New York City, the Center will engage coastal residents whose homes are already threatened by more severe storms through the Community Energy Engagement Program so that residents can also take advantage of programs and benefits that will lower energy bills and improve long-term sustainability and resiliency.

“Homeowners are in a unique position to adopt energy retrofits because they have control over the structure and use of their property, but face a number of technical and financial barriers,” said Joseph Sant, Director of Homeowner Services at the Center. “We are dedicated to overcoming these barriers with New York homeowners, including through energy benefits from NYSERDA.”

The Center’s partners bring considerable expertise in solar technology, weatherization, and clean energy initiatives.

“Pratt Center is excited to partner with the Center for NYC Neighborhoods and NYSERDA to help bring much-needed energy efficiency and clean energy programs to low-and moderate-income communities across New York City,” said Adam Friedman, Executive Director of the Pratt Center for Community Development. “Helping homeowners, tenants, and small businesses to reduce their energy consumption will preserve affordable housing, strengthen neighborhoods economies and advance New York State’s goal of transitioning to a clean energy future. We look forward to working closely with the Center and its partners to make NYC’s LMI communities resilient and sustainable in the face of climate change.”

“Chhaya has been on the front lines of the energy efficiency movement for many years and we are excited to be continuing this work with the Center for New York City Neighborhoods,” said Silky Misra, Chhaya CDC Neighborhood and Housing Preservation Specialist. “The Center has an outstanding reputation as one of the leading housing organizations in New York. Their involvement in this program will elevate the issue to an unprecedented level and bring New York closer to being a true leader on energy efficiency.”


About the Center for NYC Neighborhoods

The Center for NYC Neighborhoods promotes and protects affordable homeownership in New York so that middle- and working-class families are able to build strong, thriving communities. Established by public and private partners, the Center meets the diverse needs of homeowners throughout New York State by offering free, high quality housing services. Visit for more information.