Breakfast Briefing: Affordable Homeownership in NYC
When: Tuesday, May 8 at 10 am
Breakfast and coffee will be served
Contact for further information & questions.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the foreclosure crisis, which irrevocably reshaped the lives of hundreds of thousands of New York homeowners, renters, and their neighborhoods. Ten years later, the financial strains of the crisis remain. More than 20,000 New York families are in foreclosure and thousands of others are struggling to keep up with tax and water debt and crucial home repairs. Meanwhile, the city’s 370,000 senior homeowners, many of whom live on fixed and limited incomes, face increasing challenges to aging in place. And potential homebuyers have been all but priced out of the five boroughs.

Given this backdrop, how can we continue to keep the dream of affordable homeownership alive in our city? Join Council Member Donovan Richards and the Center for NYC Neighborhoods at our briefing to discuss current trends in New York City’s housing market, as well as policy strategies to support existing homeowners and develop new opportunities for homeownership.

Our Presentation

Council Funding Ask

City Council Funding Impact Brief

Read more from the Center about issues affecting affordable homeownership: