Our staff has been busy connecting with New York homeowners at events over the last few weeks. Here’s a look at a couple of recent events we’ve participated in:

We attended the Bridge Street Fresh Start Home Resource Expo held in partnership with the Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation on June 14th. The event was free and provided both homeowners and renters an opportunity to connect with non-profits, government agencies, and housing resource providers. The expo was lively and included plenty of engaging activities for attendees. In addition to tables offering programs for new homeowners or homeowners in need of financial advice, there were also relevant speakers covering topics such as: how to apply for a mortgage, avoiding predatory lending, and how insurance can help protect your home and assets.

Center Staff at the One Brooklyn Resource Fair

Center Staff at the One Brooklyn Resource Fair

We also joined Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams for the One Brooklyn Resource Fair on June 19th, hosted at Borough Hall  with co-sponsors including Nextdoor, New York Life, and the FDNY Foundation. There was a great turn-out and Brooklynites in attendance had several great resources to explore, with organizations tabling to talk about the free services they offer. There was also a panel titled “Helping Hands Build a Successful Community,” which the Center’s Policy Manager, Caroline Nagy spoke on and discussed the importance of community based foreclosure prevention.

If you are interested in partnering with the Center for an upcoming event or would like us to attend your event, please contact me at 646-237-5917 or outreach@staging.cnycn.org.