Making homes more energy efficient can ease financial burdens for middle- and working-class families by helping to cut costs. Unfortunately, there are also financial barriers to switching to improved home insulation, weatherization, and other methods of making homes rely less on the power grid. With that in mind, the Center has launched a program to help homeowners understand how to become more energy efficient, saving them on utility bills over the long term.

Last week, the Center announced the NYSERDA-funded Community Energy Engagement Program (CEEP), aimed at educating middle- and working-class residents about the benefits of reducing energy consumption and adopting efficient and renewable energy and retrofits to lower costs.

This complements the efforts of our Network Partners in promoting resiliency in coastal communities. The Pratt Center for Community Development and Chhaya CDC will also support CEEP through their extensive expertise in energy efficiency. Following up on that announcement, we’d like to introduce the staff representing the program across New York City. Our Community Energy Advisors will be attending events and working within New York City’s neighborhoods to help communities become more energy-efficient.

In addition to representing the CEEP program, these advisors will also help homeowners learn how they can make their homes more resilient through the Home Resiliency Audit program available at

The Community Energy Advisors can help New Yorkers who are interested in lowering their energy bills, receiving solar installations, or hosting environmental sustainability programming and education for their communities. We encourage homeowners, multifamily building owners, tenants, and small business owners to contact us at (646) 760-4030 or by email at to learn more.

Of course, if you see one of our advisors at a neighborhood event, don’t forget to say hello!

The Center’s Community Energy Advisors (pictured left to right): William, Rosy, and Cori.


Meet William! William is a Community Energy Advisor coming to us from the Urban Green Council, where he helped run two programs focused on making buildings more energy efficient.

Where are you from?
Montpelier, Vermont

Where do you live now?
Clinton Hill, Brooklyn

Where will you spend your time working?
Queens and Lower Manhattan

What are you most excited about doing in your current role?
I am excited to help folks realize that energy efficient power sources are for everyone and to make homes more livable all across NYC.


Meet Rosy! Rosy comes to the Center with a background in environmental policy and a passion for bringing awareness to climate change issues and the resources New Yorkers have to address those issues in their communities. Rosy is fluent in Spanish, and will work with Spanish-speaking communities in NYC.

Where are you from?
Long Island, NY

Where do you live now?
Staten Island, NY

Where will you spend your time in working?
Staten Island and Southern Brooklyn.

What are you most excited about doing in your current role?
I’m excited to help communities across New York learn about the many services available to help them improve their quality of life.


Meet Cori! Cori is a Community Energy Advisor who comes to the Center after working on outreach on behalf of the City’s organic waste program. She became passionate about environmental programs through learning about the way the negative effects of climate change were disproportionately borne by low-income communities and communities of color.

Where are you from?
Houston, Texas.

Where do you live now? (you can give neighborhood, borough, etc– whatever makes you most comfortable)
Manhattan, NY

Where will you spend your time in working?
Northern Brooklyn, Upper Manhattan, and the Bronx.

What are you most excited about doing in your current role?
I’m excited to make positive changes in the lives of community members and get them access to beneficial programs.

Not sure which Energy Advisor will be in your neighborhood? Check out this map for info about where you can find them, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on local events.