Spread the Word: Use AGScamHelp!

At the Center, we’re committed to fighting back against foreclosure rescue scammers who target homeowners in foreclosure. Last year, we partnered with the New York State Office of the Attorney General to create AGScamHelp, an easy to use web-based app created to help New Yorkers identify foreclosure rescue scams and report them to law enforcement. […]

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Tax Lien Sale Almost Here

Source: Government Technology Last month, the Center posted a blog about options that homeowners have to avoid the May 15th tax lien sale. Since then, the NYC Department of Finance released an updated 30-day list of properties on the tax lien sale list. While the number of 1-4 family homes on the list has fallen […]

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Combating the Rise of “Zombie” Homes

On Monday, the Center was proud to stand with Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, State Senator Jeffrey Klein, and State Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein as they announced the introduction of new state legislation to combat the rise of “zombie homes.” “Zombies” are abandoned homes that are stuck in the foreclosure process, rapidly deteriorating with no one responsible […]

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April is Financial Capability Month

First declared by President Obama in March 2014, Financial Capability Month is a nationwide call to action to support informed financial decisions and build economic security for middle- and working- class Americans. According to an annual survey by NeighborWorks America, there was a 5% increase between 2014 and 2015 of people with absolutely no emergency […]

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Asset Rich and Cash Poor in Bed-Stuy

Posing with fellow presenters (L-R), Audra Barrow of the Law Office of Audra J. Barrow, Candi Hinton of Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc,  Eustace Greaves of Greaves Financial Services & The Bridge Insurance Agency, Masanna Johnson of Bridge Street Development Corporation, Don Eversley of Bridge Street Development Corporation, Idesta Severin of the Office of Financial Education […]

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Reverse Mortgages: Get the Facts

For many seniors with equity in their homes, reverse mortgages are an appealing opportunity. In a conventional mortgage, homeowners make monthly mortgage payments to their lender and build equity over time in their home. Conversely, in reverse mortgages, homeowners receive money from their lender, with the understanding that they are in essence drawing down equity […]

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Preventing Scams in East New York

We recently partnered with elected officials and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to provide homeowners in East New York with information about foreclosure rescue scams and how they can connect with free housing counseling and legal services offered by our partners. East New York is home to many working- and middle- class […]

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Protect Your Home from the 2016 Lien Sale!

On May 12th, the City will sell property tax and water/sewer liens on thousands of properties across the city. If you are a homeowner and owe property tax or water/sewer payments, or have had emergency repairs made by the City, you may be at risk of having your lien sold. If your lien is sold, you […]

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Trainings at the Center

Did you know that the Center provides regular trainings to our network of over 30 housing counseling and legal services organizations? The complex services that our partners provide to New York families require a great deal of knowledge and skill, and keeping these hardworking advocates abreast of industry and program updates is an important component […]

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Bronx Homeowner Gets a Holiday “Miracle”

Image courtesy of The New York Daily News: Augustine McDowell outside his Bronx home, which has been in his family for three generations. Thanks to a new statewide loan program, McDowell received a $40,000 loan that saved his home just in time for Christmas. The holiday season often brings an abundance of gifts: toys, snow, […]

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