Uniting a Neighborhood: The Canarsie Coalition

The southeast Brooklyn neighborhood of Canarsie was especially hard hit by Hurricane Sandy, with fully 100% of residential buildings located in a Hurricane Evacuation Zone. In response, the Canarsie Coalition was formed in collaboration with the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office in order to assist in coordinating a response best suited to the neighborhood. The Coalition […]

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Community Outreach Update

Our staff has been busy connecting with New York homeowners at events over the last few weeks. Here’s a look at a couple of recent events we’ve participated in: We attended the Bridge Street Fresh Start Home Resource Expo held in partnership with the Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation on June 14th. The event was free and […]

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How Our Housing Mobility Program is Helping New York Families

Since our December 2013 blog post about the Center for NYC Neighborhoods’ Housing Mobility Program, the program has grown considerably. From January through May 2014, the number of homeowners seeking assistance from the Housing Mobility Program has more than quadrupled. Presently, the program is working with 150 families, many of them seeking to transition from homeownership to affordable rental housing […]

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The Center Stands Up For Settlement Conferences

Last Friday, a group of us from the Center headed up to the Bronx County Supreme Court to attend a press conference led by Senator Jeffrey Klein and State Assembly Member Helene Weinstein on a topic that affects many New York homeowners facing foreclosure: settlement conferences. Settlement conferences are an important tool for foreclosure prevention […]

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Coping with Big Flood Insurance Changes in NYC, Part I: The Challenge

Note: This is the first part of a series of blog posts that will examine the impact of changes to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) on New York City’s coastal neighborhoods, many of which are home to many low-to-middle income homeowners. This post describes the challenges faced by coastal communities still recovering from Hurricane […]

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The Center Applauds “Housing New York” Plan

Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio released “Housing New York,” a 10-year, 5-borough plan to create or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing in New York City. “The plan announced today is an important milestone on the road to a more just and equitable city where New Yorkers in every neighborhood will benefit from the opportunities […]

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Don’t be on the tax lien sale list

On May 16th, thousands of New York City homeowners whose budgets are already stretched thin could face an additional financial burden. Homeowners who are behind on their property taxes or water/sewer payments, or those who’ve had emergency repairs made by the City, may see those debts sold to a third-party collection agency. Once a tax […]

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Repair and Rebuild: Resources for Disaster Recovery Professionals

Last Thursday, our Executive Director Christie Peale participated in a panel at the Repair and Rebuild in New York City Sandy Recovery Symposium II, which helped disaster recovery professionals across many organizations learn about the entire recovery landscape. Many homeowners across the City are still displaced or living in homes without heat or basic utilities. […]

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