45 members of Congress call for changes to sales of troubled mortgages to banks

Forty-five members of Congress — including several U.S. Representatives for New York — have signed on to a letter calling for changes to how bulk sales of distressed properties are sold by federal housing agencies, including disqualifying “bad actors” and making the programs more transparent. The letter, sent on Tuesday and addressed to the heads […]

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AG Schneiderman Announces Statewide Mortgage Scam Campaign

Did you know that since 2010, almost 3,000 New Yorkers have reported being victims of foreclosure rescue scams? And that’s just reported scams — many more homeowners have no doubt been scammed, but did not know how to report it, or were too embarrassed to come forward. Foreclosure and mortgage scams are a major threat […]

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Spread the Word: Use AGScamHelp!

At the Center, we’re committed to fighting back against foreclosure rescue scammers who target homeowners in foreclosure. Last year, we partnered with the New York State Office of the Attorney General to create AGScamHelp, an easy to use web-based app created to help New Yorkers identify foreclosure rescue scams and report them to law enforcement. […]

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Reverse Mortgages: Get the Facts

For many seniors with equity in their homes, reverse mortgages are an appealing opportunity. In a conventional mortgage, homeowners make monthly mortgage payments to their lender and build equity over time in their home. Conversely, in reverse mortgages, homeowners receive money from their lender, with the understanding that they are in essence drawing down equity […]

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“AG Launches Anti-Scam Web App for Mortgage Borrowers” and other headlines from 2014

The Yeshiva World News: Treyger Proposes Task Force to Help Houses of Worship and Non-Profits Recover from Sandy and Prepare for Next Major Storm Sheepshead Bites: Having Trouble Paying Your Bills? Avoid Foreclosure And Mortgage Rescue Scams With New Website New York Post: Attorney General’s new app alerts homeowners of foreclosure scams National Mortgage Professional Magazine: New York State AG […]

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Happening Now: Sandy HelpDesk

New Yorkers who are rebuilding their homes following Hurricane Sandy and looking for advice on how to rebuild and make their home more resilient can find integrated assistance from a team of architects, housing counselors, and flood insurance specialists all under one roof at the Sandy Neighborhood Design HelpDesk. Homeowners who attend a HelpDesk event […]

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Avoid Scams! Call 855-HOME-456 to get help!

Anoche, el noticiero Univisión 41 de Nueva York divulgo la noticia sobre los recursos disponibles a través de consejeros de vivienda y servicios legales bajo el programa de Protección para Propietarios de Vivienda del Fiscal General para el Estado de Nueva York “HOPP” por sus siglas en Ingles. Herman De Jesus aparece en la noticia […]

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How Our Housing Mobility Program is Helping New York Families

Since our December 2013 blog post about the Center for NYC Neighborhoods’ Housing Mobility Program, the program has grown considerably. From January through May 2014, the number of homeowners seeking assistance from the Housing Mobility Program has more than quadrupled. Presently, the program is working with 150 families, many of them seeking to transition from homeownership to affordable rental housing […]

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New Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mortgage Servicing Rules Are Now In Effect

On January 10, 2014, the long-awaited Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) mortgage servicing rules went into effect. Advocates and homeowners welcome these necessary protections and are hopeful the new rules will ease confusion for homeowners and advocates pursuing loss mitigation options. The new rules will mean fewer homeowners needlessly placed into foreclosure and greater assistance […]

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How MAP Can Help Homeowners Recovering from Sandy

As New York City homeowners continue the costly recovery from Hurricane Sandy, The Center remains committed to delivering resources to assist those most in need. For New Yorkers who are having difficulty with their mortgage payments, the Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) is one potential source of financial assistance. MAP makes loans of up to $25,000 […]

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