Your New Home: Planning for Repairs

As a new property owner, you should plan for the cost of repairs throughout the lifecycle of your home. The boiler might go out, the roof might need fixing, or you could have sewage backup into your basement. While home repairs are inevitable, the timing can be unpredictable; therefore, setting up a separate account for […]

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Housing Types in New York City

Once you’ve made the decision to buy a home, it’s important to consider which kind of property is best for you, based on what you can afford and how much time you are willing to commit to maintaining it. There are several home-owning options to consider in New York City: single-family home, multi-family home, condo, […]

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Who’s Who of Homebuying

You will interact with a number of different people throughout your home buying journey. Below is a brief explanation of the main actors involved in the process and their roles. Pre-Purchase Housing Counselor You may choose to work with a pre-purchase housing counselor at a HUD-approved housing counseling agency before actively starting the homebuying process. […]

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Benefits and Risks of Buying a Home in NYC

Are you thinking of buying your first home? Becoming a homeowner can be an exciting, rewarding prospect, but it’s not without risks. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of homeownership. Benefit: You’re No Longer a Renter Sick of dealing with a landlord? When you’re a renter, you can find yourself facing rent increases, […]

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Key Decisions in Buying a Home

There are a slew of decisions that go into buying a home. But don’t worry! That’s what we are here for — we’ll help guide you through the entire process. From type of house to pages of paperwork, the following topics can serve as a resource as you plan not only for your future home, […]

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Budgeting And Saving For A Home In NYC

Understanding and planning for the costs of owning a home can be a challenge. We’re here to help. We’ll walk you through steps you can take and the information you need to be a cost-conscious homebuyer. We can also connect you to a housing counselor who can guide you through the process. Making sense of […]

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Housing Counseling For Homebuyers

The road to homeownership is a complicated, challenging experience for anyone. Sometimes it makes sense to turn to a professional who can help guide you along the way — a housing counselor. Housing Counseling for the Entire Homeownership Cycle Housing, financial, and legal counselors are primarily non-profit professionals who provide a wide range of services […]

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NYC tax lien sale

Each year, the Department of Finance sells the liens of properties that have unpaid debts — including property taxes, water bills, and other charges — that can result in an increased financial burden for families already behind on their bills. Once a tax lien is sold, a third-party collection agency can add fees and high […]

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How Supporting Homeowners Can Protect Affordable Rents in NYC

The relationship between New York City landlords and tenants has often been perceived as a zero-sum game. In the typical view, landlords seek the highest possible rent for their units, while tenants desperately seek to keep rents at affordable levels. Meanwhile, rent stabilization laws set the rules for what is acceptable behavior by landlords. But […]

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The Human Cost of House Flipping in NYC; It’s a ‘Land Grab,’ Advocate Says

Behind houses sold by well-coiffed brokers on shows like the popular reality TV series Million Dollar Listing is a much more complicated story: the rise of house flipping throughout New York City that can push affordable homeownership out of reach of most families. A new BuzzFeed News investigation published last December explores the rise of […]

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