How to defeat the blight of ‘zombie homes’ in New York

Thousands of “zombie homes” continue to blight communities across New York, but housing advocates are praising the Assembly’s recent passage of legislation that would go a long way toward attacking the problem. But some policy experts also say the legislation, which now faces a battle in the Senate, provides only some solutions to the problem. […]

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‘Nudging’ homeowners through loan modifications with text messages

For many homeowners working to get a loan modification, just staying on top of deadlines and paperwork can be tedious, complicated, and overwhelming — even when they are working with a professional housing counselor. That’s why the Center for NYC Neighborhoods is partnering with Neighborhood Housing Services of Bedford-Stuyvesant on an innovative one-year pilot program […]

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NYC communities want real estate speculators to ‘cease and desist’

The handwritten note was posted at what appeared to be a long abandoned home in East New York. “Dear property owner,” the sign read in black ink, “I am interested in buying your property ALL CASH.” Throughout the neighborhood, and in communities that have increasingly attracted the interest of developers from the east Bronx to […]

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New Center for NYC Neighborhoods Report Details Impact of Home Flips on Housing Affordability

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Aug. 18, 2016 CONTACT: Cristian Salazar, 646-786-0898, Center for NYC Neighborhoods Launches Year-long Study of Homeowner Displacement in East New York and surrounding communities Non-profit seeks to use qualitative and quantitative methods to understand displacement in East New York, Brownsville, Cypress Hills and Ocean Hill; study will seek to develop policy […]

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Goldman Sachs’ $5 billion settlement to expand help to NY homeowners

New York homeowners will be able to tap into expanded financial assistance after Goldman Sachs agreed to a $5 billion settlement over its past lending practices leading up to the Great Recession with a mortgage working group led by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Hundreds of millions of dollars in settlement funds will be […]

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Black and Hispanic neighborhoods haven’t benefited from market rebound

In a previous blog post, we showed how nearly a decade after the Great Recession many black homeowners in the city owe more on their mortgages than their property is worth. Homeowners in these “underwater mortgages” are unable to begin to build wealth and are more likely to end up in foreclosure. This time, we’ve taken […]

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Center for NYC Neighborhoods Launches Tracker To Alert Homeowners To Tax Lien Sale

For Immediate Release: xxxxx Contact: Jovana Rizzo, 646-200-5329,; Cristian Salazar, 646-796-0898, Center for NYC Neighborhoods Launches Tracker To Alert Homeowners To Tax Lien Sale Interactive map at allows communities and stakeholders to assess the impact on their neighborhoods, help neighbors get off the sale list NEW YORK, NY – The Center for […]

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What we’re reading about homeowners and housing

Here’s a look at the best stories on homeownership and housing from the past week that got our attention. Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments section. On Monday, reporter Kirk Semple of The New York Times took a look at overcrowding in the city and found that it had gotten exponentially […]

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New federal rules neglect at risk homeowners, target the one percent

The Federal government is seeking to crack down on money laundering by unmasking individuals behind large all-cash purchases of Manhattan real estate by shell companies. For the next six months, through a new pilot program, the U.S. Treasury Department will require companies to disclose the names of individuals behind all-cash purchases of more than $3 million […]

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