Deed Theft Scams

The Center is constantly on the lookout for emerging threats to homeowners – and combating foreclosure rescue scams continues to be a top priority. Recently we have seen an alarming increase in deed theft scams. Several individuals associated with Homeowner Assistance Services of New York and Launch Development LLC were recently charged in federal court […]

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The Mentor-Apprentice Advantage

Over the past three years, the Center has partnered with the Seth Sprague Foundation to connect new housing counselors with mentors, certified counselors with extensive experience in foreclosure prevention. The mentorship program, which includes shadowing, collaboration, and ongoing discussion, is a valuable experience for everyone involved, and, in particular, the clients, who receive high quality […]

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The Value of Housing Counseling

In April, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $36 million in grants to support housing counseling work nationally. Over $2.1 million will go to 16 organizations across New York State, though only about 20% of that total (approximately $2 million) will go to organizations serving residents of New York City. New […]

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Equitable Resiliency and Flood Insurance

On Earth Day, Mayor de Blasio released his OneNYC plan, a blueprint of policies and goals intended to help make New York City more sustainable, resilient, and equitable. The “Resiliency” plank of the Mayor’s plan includes ensuring that the city’s infrastructure is robust enough to withstand the challenges of natural disasters and climate change. As […]

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Taking Action Against Scammers

Last week, the New York State Attorney General’s office announced a new judgment against two law firms involved in foreclosure rescue scams. The judgment ordered Litvin Law Firm; Litvin, Torrens & Associates, PLLC; and the firms’ principal attorney Gennady Litvin to immediately halt their illegal business practices and provide a full accounting so that the […]

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Bank of America Funds $8.1M for Foreclosure Prevention Services

Bank of America announced yesterday that it will provide $8.1 million to local New York non-profits to combat foreclosures. The Center for NYC Neighborhoods, in partnership with the Empire Justice Center, is proud to work with Bank of America on this effort, getting the critical funding to housing counseling groups across the state. The funding […]

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Combating the Rise of “Zombie” Homes

On Monday, the Center was proud to stand with Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, State Senator Jeffrey Klein, and State Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein as they announced the introduction of new state legislation to combat the rise of “zombie homes.” “Zombies” are abandoned homes that are stuck in the foreclosure process, rapidly deteriorating with no one responsible […]

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Protect Your Home from the 2016 Lien Sale!

On May 12th, the City will sell property tax and water/sewer liens on thousands of properties across the city. If you are a homeowner and owe property tax or water/sewer payments, or have had emergency repairs made by the City, you may be at risk of having your lien sold. If your lien is sold, you […]

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Stopping Foreclosure Vultures

New York’s “The Red Hot Rubble of East New York” (January 26-February 8) is an extremely disturbing and unfortunately all too common story in New York City. Predatory real estate investors are targeting homeowners facing foreclosure, offering cash to buy them out and acquire their homes on the cheap, only to flip the houses or […]

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Bronx Homeowner Gets a Holiday “Miracle”

Image courtesy of The New York Daily News: Augustine McDowell outside his Bronx home, which has been in his family for three generations. Thanks to a new statewide loan program, McDowell received a $40,000 loan that saved his home just in time for Christmas. The holiday season often brings an abundance of gifts: toys, snow, […]

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